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About Romena

Romena Jonas born in Urmia and raised in Tehran, Iran to her parents Gershon and Pari Adi (AKA Eddy) immigrated to the United States at the age of 14. She graduated from Temple University with a bachelor’s degree in Geology. While in college, she authored a book on Earthquakes Felt in the State of Pennsylvania and the Surrounding Areas. Later in life, she authored a children's storybook “Golden Head and Silver Head.” An accomplished business owner, a Professional Geologist, a Construction Contractor, an Environmental Consultant, a TV show host, a political activist, a humanitarian, and a singer with a great passion and love for her nation, the Assyrians.
She comes from a long lineage of singers and entertainers. It has been told that her great grandfather, Mr. Yagoo Khubier from the village of Gulpashan used to sing for King Naser al-Din Shah in Tabriz, Iran. His voice was so strong and loud that he would often sing from the courtyard of the palace.
Ms. Jonas now lives and works in California and follows her long-awaited dream of singing in her mother language, Assyrian, and the beautiful Romance language, Persian.

About the song – The Atta D’Atoor

This is an old song, sang by many since the 1920’s. But it was recorded by Romena Jonas’s late brother Mr. John Adi in the late 1968/1970. In 1993, at the age of 46, he passed away from asbestos-related cancer. He had asked her to sing this song with him when he was working on his last album right before his passing. She was too busy with work and kept telling him tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow never came. She recalls John calling her and telling her “khatie (my sister in Assyrian) I don’t have tomorrow; we must record it now.” In 1993, he passed away and they never recorded the song together.
In the early 2020s, in a tribute to her brother with the help of Mr. Billy Warda, a well known Assyrian Musician who arranged the music and brought her brother’s voice to a new modern arrangement and Mr. Ninef Arsanos, also a well known Assyrian Musician and Sound Engineer who assisted with vocals and recording of the song, she was finally able to sing the song with her brother.

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New Album by Romena Jonas

Coming Soon!